Monday, March 15, 2010

For Today
March 15
Outside my window...Sunshine, so happy spring is here.

I am thinking...I really have so much to do.

I am thankful for...the Lord's faithfulness.

From the learning rooms...Solar System planets and the sun.

From the kitchen...Pierogies, beef brisket and cabbage, and chicken nuggets with tater tots.

I am wearing... Shamefully the same things I wore yesterday.

I am creating...A huge mess in my house while pulling everything out of closets.

I am going...crazy

I am reading..J.Vernon Mcgee, In the Belly of the Bloodhound.

I am slows down.

I am hearing...Washing machine

Around the house..boxes and mess.

One of my favorite and the Food Network. Love that channel

A few plans for the rest of the week: packing,cleaning.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...My girl and I.

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