Sunday, October 3, 2010

First field trip of the year: Leonard's Mills

Let me just start by saying the LORD is awesome, this school year has been unlike other school years. I am a little more occupied with other things such as new baby and stuff and less focused on school. Because my focus has been else where I have this ugly thing called guilt permeating through my pores. You know the " Am I really called to do this, Lord?" "Am I messing up my kids?" With that being said let me continue. Well we decided to go to Leonard's Mills in Bradley it was living history days having things from the 1600 to 1700. I thought this will be cool. We just finished the book "Eerth's Birthday" by AVI it's about a porcupine that is a little prickly and not just his coat. Well he becomes the foster parent of three fox cubs, anyway there is a fisher( which I didn't know what that was) I thought fisher man. So we asked Daddy what is a fisher he knew of course it's in the weasel family. So I was trying to get a good pic of it for the boys to see but you know hands on is always better. What do you think they had at Leonard's Mills, a fisher. It was a dead, stuffed one( real one)but the boys were happy to see it. We also have been learning about shepherds and sheep, I looked on Youtube for good shearing demo's and spinning the wool videos but nothing to interested. Well, they had at Leonard's Mills sheep, and two ladies demonstrating spinning. I had no idea they were going to have this stuff there. So I was super excited. It was like God was holding my hand saying " This is what I have called you to do, I am here with you in this." He equips us with the things He has called us to do. So like I said before God is awesome! :)

Sheep and spinning.

Marty the fisher.