Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Proclaim Liberty throughout All the land unto All the Inhabitants Thereof."

We are studying the Revolutionary War period of US History. While in Jersey for the Thanksgiving break we took a train to Phila,PA to Independence Hall. It was a great time with friends and family. We only touched a small part of the park. John said you could smell the history in the birth place of our Nation. Here are some pics.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School

The first day of school I always have this perfect idea in my head that my kids are going to cooperate by waking up at a reasonable time, eat breakfast, clean them selves and sit at the table demanding to be educated. This is our first day of school, homemade monkey bread with little kids insisting on helping Mama make. 30 minutes later with sticky sugar/cinnamon hands and a pile on the floor it's accomplished. Emerging from his warm bed the 3rd grader with sleep still in his eyes asking "Why are we starting school now? It's not even fall yet." "Can't we just wait." "No we can't"
On Lord help me get through the day!

People wonder why I chose to home-educate, I have no perfect answer just that the Lord has called me to do this. I love it, it's hard, and humbling but I would not change it.
I love seeing my kids face's light up when they learned something new or something old that they finally "get." So I will take the sticky hands and the attitudes just to continue this journey with my kids.

Here are some pics the original pics I had got um well erased so these will have to do.

Some more pics: Today's Solar System project we had a helper Miss Maddy.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keeping you updated!

Sorry I haven't blogged lately been busy with swim lessons,family and friends visiting, and of course tee-ball. We start school Monday so here is some summer fun pics and a video.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy First Birthday Jessie Bear!

Jeska Ann Robinson was born on June 18th, 2010 at 3:33 p.m in PVH in Lincoln, Maine.
I was induced do to her being over the due date and her head was "floating." John and I went to the hospital at 6:00 am I got hooked up to iv's and pitocin was started.
I think around 9 or 10 our good friend Sarah came to help coach, with many painful contractions later Jessie bear was born. Jeska- means God behold, God is with us. Her name is so fitting for her and our family's lives. God is with us always even when we think He is gone, He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Monday, April 4, 2011

For Today
April 4th
Outside my window...Sunny and cold.

I am thinking...God can do ALL things, so stop putting limits on God.

I am thankful for...answered prayers.

From the learning rooms...Nothing to interesting.

From the kitchen... Spagetti, maybe chicken casserole later in the week.

I am wearing... pink pj's.

I am creating...nothing

I am going...no where but I am having people over today.

I am reading.. Bible and Beth Moore study, also Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

I am hoping...People become real with each other and we can bear one anothers burdens.

I am hearing...whining kids.

Around the house..toys, boxes, laundry.

One of my favorite things...good behavior.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Good News Club for the kids, I don't think anything else.

Monday, February 28, 2011

For Today
February 28,2011
Outside my window...Cold, cloudy and stormy looking.

I am thinking...His mercies are renewed each morning.

I am thankful for...Sisters that I can pour my heart out to.

From the learning rooms...Native Americans- Cherokee.

From the kitchen...Chicken alfredo, chicken pot pie, maybe pizza.

I am wearing... black pants, pink shirt.

I am creating...a cool new playlist.

I am going...crazy-jk, library, store,bible study, later this week birthday party.

I am reading.. Well listening to "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

I am hoping...I can do the couch to 5K, and be ready for the 5k at homecoming.

I am hearing...T.V.

Around the house..toys, toys, toys.

One of my favorite things...good children and good haircuts.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Good News Club, bible study, run/walk, birthday get together.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday's,Homeschool,Valentines, and more...

Haven't blogged in awhile sorry about that but here is a montage of all we have done.
JJ's eighth birthday celebrated with homemade cake and taco mac-n-cheese, Judah's 6th birthday with homemade cake and homemade pizza yummo! Also had big party with all the friends. Good times Good Times.

Planetarium field trip awesome we learned a ton, also MCD's play place to get some wiggles out. Great fun!

Plant project we learned about bulbs and planted some in the house. Pics of the then and now plant.

Early explorers we did a three-d interactive map of Christoper Columbus's voyage to the New World still working through the time-line of US History.

Valentines Party for the kiddos to celebrate with friends and exchange cards and had fun games.

Here is some extra cuteness also.