Monday, April 4, 2011

For Today
April 4th
Outside my window...Sunny and cold.

I am thinking...God can do ALL things, so stop putting limits on God.

I am thankful for...answered prayers.

From the learning rooms...Nothing to interesting.

From the kitchen... Spagetti, maybe chicken casserole later in the week.

I am wearing... pink pj's.

I am creating...nothing

I am where but I am having people over today.

I am reading.. Bible and Beth Moore study, also Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

I am hoping...People become real with each other and we can bear one anothers burdens.

I am hearing...whining kids.

Around the, boxes, laundry.

One of my favorite things...good behavior.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Good News Club for the kids, I don't think anything else.