Sunday, November 29, 2009

Famine, ponds, lakes, oceans, and the water cycle

This unit was about famine, ponds, lakes, and oceans. We read a lot of books some of my favorites were " Autumn Weather" had a section about famine that made us cry. "Far away Home" about a man who is from Ethiopia. "The magic School bus" the Ocean floor about the ocean floor and the different animals and levels of the ocean. John John especially liked this book. "Swimmy" was very cute. "The magic School Bus" the water works."
The bible verses that were referenced are Gen 12:10 First famine in history. Matt 5:45 Rain being a blessing as well as a curse. Lev 26:4, Heb 6:7, rain needed for vegetation to grow. Deut 32:1-4 God's word blesses lives just as rain blesses nature. John 4:5-30 Woman at the well/Living water.

Ocean Mural

This is are ocean mural we did, we labeled the continental shelf, continental slope, shore, ocean bottom, and of course the coral reef. It was a blast the whole family did this.
For one of John John's writing journal assignments he had to write a poem about his life. Well I first had to tell him what a poem was and read some poems to him from
"The Sidewalk Ends." Here it is all in his own words.

"If you were a bug would you go into a jug?
Would you try to fly out?
Yes, I would because it's no fun to be a bug in a jug."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Israel: Shoe box Sukkah

Some of the ladies with their children and I got together at Ballard Hill to do some crafts,Wii, and of course fellowship. Sukkah is a Harvest Celebration that the Israelite s do in remembrance of when God provided for them in the wilderness for 40 years. It was a good lesson and a fun craft.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hot air balloon time!

I would love to say that I enjoyed this project but I didn't. I had to hand sew it together I finally gave up and started to staple it together. I know ghetto! John John said "maybe we should have waited until I was in 2nd grade" Which I could agree on or when Mommy get's a sewing machine. Anyway here it is and yes that is Harrison Ford "Indiana Jones" in the basket because he is the only one brave enough to ride it.

The verses that were refrenced during this unit were: Gen 11:28-32 Heb 11:10- God directs Abram to move.
Jonah the whole book- obedience Acts 8:1 Acts 8:26-40 Immediate obedience. Here are some sandals the kids made an illustration of the shoes that they wore during Bible times.

Moving and Transportation

We learned different forms of transportation in this unit. We were able to go to the Cole's Transportation Museum to see the different forms of transportation and the history of them. Very fun!

My Nacho's

Just a pic of my three boys who wanted to make wrestling mask. Too much "Nacho Libre" for them.