Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Feild Trip

We went to Treorgy's Orchard in Levant for our first field trip of the school year. We had a blast with our friends, good times of fun, fellowship, and some learning.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Soccer time

John John's first soccer practice. He loved it, he loved being with all his friends too. We are so blessed!

Volcano Time

This was our first volcano. We had a blast, we used this volcano to show how it can change the Earth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fossils and maps

This is the map of the United States. We posted pictures of family and had arrows where they lived in proximity of where we live. It was alot of fun.

This is a picture of our fossil of an ash tree leaf. It was a mixture of coffee grounds, four, salt, and cold coffee. It was kinda weird but the kids enjoyed it.
I got this idea from the internet of course!

Luke 14:27-35 Math 5:14

These are piggy banks we made 1 for spending 1 for giving and 1 for saving. We discussed how important it is to be a good steward of what God gives us.

These are clay lamps that in ancient times they used. We discussed how we are the light of the world, we should not hide Jesus's love. If we love Him, we must either shine or diminish. Good reminder for me, the kids loved this.